The Second Annual Brownwood High School Oldtimer's Reunion

Well, we enjoyed the Second Annual BHS Oldtimer's Reunion yesterday at the Beck's humble abode on Lake Merritt. I don't know that numbers are important for these things but for those that think they are, here are a few numbers for you: There were around thirty of so folks that shared this beautiful day. There was two persons from the class of '66, about 12 folks from the class of '67, two from'68, one from '69, one from '70 and one from '71. Of course there were spouses and friends of those classmates that came to share in the memories.

As for me, I'm always recharged after sharing time with folks that were part of my beginning coming home to share where we are now and how we got here. Though there may have been more wrinkles than I recall, the smiles were the same, the personalities were matured but still part of the folks I grew up with. As with everyone, we have traveled the bad roads as well as some good, but for this day we were one with each other, we were Brownwood High School Lions, I was proud and I missed those that were not there.


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