There's A Song In There Somewhere

Well, I know some of you have seen my remarks concerning a song I have been writing and probably thought I was kidding (Heck, I thought I was kidding). Well, it has turned into a major project at my weekly session with my guitar teacher. I have written and rewritten the song about a hundred times and I am almost satisfied with the lyrics but the musical end of things does not come so naturally (I never sing it the same way twice).  It has reached a point where I can now say this is the best song I have ever written ( to keep you from searching the Web, this is the only song I have written). I can tell you the name of the song is Scattering Of Memories, which coincidentally  is also the tile of my next book. I hope this doesn't stir up a bunch of interest amongst you real musicians. Floyd Tolston give me a call, Mike Trigg this song is way too serious for you, Van Wilks this song is way too quiet for you and George Strait I know you are trying to gear it down a little. As soon as I get all this copy right stuff settled and I can find someone to sing it, I'll share it with y'all. 


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