Update on Book Two - A Gathering Of Words - I've Been Thinkin'

Well, book two, A Gathering Of Words - I've Been Thinkin', is 
getting closer to becoming a reality. Work on the front and 
back cover is taking shape and the editing process is in full 
swing. If the present schedule holds true, we are planning to 
initiate a preprint promotional offer beginning around 
February 15th, with the books coming off the printer on 
March 1st. Promotional information and actual ordering 
information will soon be posted on my blog 

One of the reasons for the extended prep time for book two 
is we have been working on book three (yet to be titled) at 
the same time. There are also plans moving forward on book 
four. Thank you so much for your past support and for your 
patience. I think you are going to like it, I know I have 
enjoyed writing them.


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