You'll Snip What Off!!

Well, I went to see my Dermatologist Today and ,as usual, had several procedures performed to obtain specimens for biopsies. It's a shame now that we are old and wise we still have to pay the price for when we were young and the opposite of wise.  Now the rest of the story, if easily offended you gals (and some guys)should probably stop reading here!  Here while back I noticed a growth on my left behind. I asked my Dermatologist to look at it. His words were, "I don't think it is anything to worry about, let's just sit on it for a while and see what develops."  Well, after sitting on it for over a year, it has grow substantially and I began to visualize all the possibilities, each possibility with a different concern. One of the possibilities was that I was growing another testicle. I could imagine all kinds of affects that might have, some good and some bad. Well, you can imagine the letdown when I asked the Doctor about it today and his response was, "Oh that, it's no big deal, just remind me when you come back in a couple of weeks to get your stitches out and I'll just snip that dude off." 


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