Book Reading/Signings Coming Soon!

Just a reminder, I'll be bringing my Dog And Pony Show to the Huguley Amphitheater at the Huguley Hospital Campus in Ft Worth/Burleson. I will be doing a little reading, a lot of talking and some book signings on August the 17th beginning at 6 PM. Last year's reading/signing for my first book, A Train Of Thought, was a big success and a lot of fun . I will be reading from my second book, I've Been Thinkin', and maybe a short selection from the first book. I will have a limited number of both books and will be thrilled to sell you one or two.

I want to invite all my Huguley friends as well as all friends and folks in the Cleburne, Burleson and DFW area.  Spread the word and come visit with us for a while. Thank you all for your support, 
looking forward to seeing you on August 17th, 6 PM at the Huguley Amphitheater.

Below are photos of last years Reading at Huguley.


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