No Power At The Gym
Well, the electricity in the greater Goldthwaite area went out for about two hours today. I went to the gym during that period of time. As I walked into the gym from the daylight it was dark and cool when suddenly there were voices and as I slowly walked toward the sounds, I finally made out the dark shadows of Terra and Lindsey huddled in their coats at the counter, at least I hoped it was them!
I felt my way on into the gym and began my workout. I'm pretty sure I used several workout machines I had never used before and am certain I placed two much weight on other machines. I thought I was the only person working out in the gym until I could hear someone else breathing (Huffing and puffing) so I held my breath for a few seconds, turns out the huffing and puffing was just me. I continued my workout without many other incidents except every once in a while when I would grab a weight or bar and it would move or I would mash a finger between weights and cut loose with a few profane words (a good thing I was by myself).
After an hour or so the power came back on and it took a few seconds for me to figure out where I was, I guess I must have dozed off for a second. I was a little surprised to see several other folks were there working out. They were all staring at me, I wonder how long they had been there, Amber says I snore when I nap.....
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