Spiders And Their Webs
Well, I don't know if it is just a country thing, a lake
thing or what but I have never seen as many spiders and spider webs in all my
life. It never has bothered me much anyway but walking through a spider web, particularly
at night, would unnerve me a little, but anymore, it's just a slight nuisance if that. As a matter of fact I may walk around
for half a day with spider webs flying from both ears or at least until Amber
swats them from my head. Another thing I've noticed is that in the city folks
are fast to point out if you have a spider on your shoulder but in the country,
they don't bother saying anything unless it's a Brown Recluse or Black Widow,
then they'll thump it off your neck and may or may not say anything about it.
Another thing that amazes me about the spiders in the country is how fast they
are. You can walk through a spider web between two trees, take about thirty
seconds wiping the webs from you face, turn around and walk between the same
two trees and I'll be damn, that spider has already built another web back in
the same spot.
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