Book Three

Those that have not known me all that long may not be aware I've  written and published a couple of books, A Train Of Thought and I've Been Thinking. In the beginning and thanks to many friends and family members I was fortunate to sell a lot of books, as seen through my grateful eyes. I then began a third book, A Scattering Of Memories and came very close to having enough material put together to start the actual process of putting it together as a book. Then, things began to happen, things that happen to a lot of older folks and their families. There was illness, family issues, family concerns as well as what felt like a roller coaster of emotional issues.

Well, things seem to be doing much better. Thanks to friends and family, my family is regaining its strength of character and is beginning the trip back to normalcy, though it may be a different normal than we experienced before. I have never been big in advertising my writings but I am going to make an effort to keep all those who might want to know informed about my books and functions affiliated with my writing. I have cranked up efforts on book three, A scattering Of Memories, and will keep all advised as to its progress. In the beginning my goal was to write four now looks like three will be my limit.

Thank you all for your past support and interest. I will keep all who might want to know advised. Family and Friends Always!   


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