A Good Day, For The Most Part

Well, today has been a very good day! First I discovered that the sun does still rise in the morning and is almost as exciting as watching it set with the down factor being, it was so dang early! Of course the only reason I was up that early was to keep a morning appointment with the Ophthalmologist 2 1/2 hours away and because Amber told me I didn't have a choice and  I couldn't cancel it! More good news though, the Doctor said all my eye tests were nearly perfect and because  the laser procedures I had are doing a great job of controlling my Glaucoma,  it would not be necessary to see him for a year instead of the usual six months.  I suggested if my eyes are almost perfect, why should I even have to come back and see him?  His comment was "Because you are old, your eyes are old and the only reason they are nearly perfect is because of the treatments you have had and will continue to have!"

Oh well, we did make it back home early enough to see our contractor has completed our new Sun Room and Amber can't wait for me to start moving furniture, decorating and etc. I guess I should have gotten a note from the Doctor stating "Terry is old!"  Well, it's still early enough I can go to the Goldthwaite/Academy football game with these nearly perfect, but old, eyes. Hope your team wins tonight!!


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