Falling Bullet

The other night I was watching the 10 PM news on the television  and the news person attempted to segue   into a commercial by saying: "Coming up, a Texas man is hit in the head by a falling bullet!" There were so many thoughts went through my head as I rolled out of my chair laughing. Nowhere else would you hear of a man being hit in the head by a falling bullet. Most folks who are injured in the head by a bullet are shot! It turns out a bunch of our fellow Texans were celebrating the new year by shooting guns in the air and a man in the crowd, a Texas Representative by the way, was "Hit in the head by a falling bullet!" I believe if I were him I would say I had been shot .

 The man was hospitalized in that the bullet penetrated his scull but did not enter his brain. He is going to be fine and I am happy for him and his family. It's not that I'm making light of the incident,  but take a minute and say out loud "A Texas man is hit in the head by a falling bullet!" I know you at least grinned a little bit. 


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