The story of her life has always been there for all to see. There has been no favoritism shown as her life's history unfolds though there's more good than bad and beauty surrounds only a hint of ugliness as it briefly drifted by, fading into the unnoticeable. Her work seems to never to be done, never an excuse offered, and compensation never demanded but love always accepted. She has to but smile and glance my way to make my heart flutter and fill my mind's soul with immeasurable happiness......But, one tear from distant eyes can steal the breath from my lungs and cause a flurry of emotions already in search of solutions. To see her face as she holds a grandchild, shares time with the kids and yes, even as she holds my hand at the end of a long day, is to know her unselfish love and feel it's refreshing embrace. Just some simple words from a simpler man telling all about the love he will forever more have and flaunt to the world......Yep, I love you Amber Yakima McPherson Beck.
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