Laugh Out Loud
When you're sitting by yourself and you see or think of something funny, do you laugh? If so, do you laugh out loud, or do you just smile, or do you just think "Man that was funny"? If something humorous happens and there is no one there to see it, is it still funny? Why is something funny to one person and possibly offensive to another? Does the mood you are in determine how funny something is or does your mood just affect the way you respond to humor? Is a sense of humor really a sense, or is it simply a reaction to something that our true senses conceived?
I think laughing makes you feel better, but you don't have to feel good to laugh. I think laughter can be contagious. You can walk up to someone who is laughing hysterically and you begin to laugh before you know what is so funny. Is laughing out loud simply a means of letting those around you know that you think something is funny or is laughing a physical response to a mental process?
The answer to most of these questions is I don't know. I do know that laughter makes me feel better. I know that other people that laugh make me feel better. I appreciate those that have a sense of humor and don't mind sharing it. I realize that all is not always happy and with most of my emotions, I do not hold back. I have a tendency of showing my emotions freely. If crying is called for, I will cry. If I get mad, regretfully I generally show my anger. If I love, it's usually not a secret. Along with love, happiness and laughter are my favorites. I laugh a lot and often out loud.
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