A Loving Piece Of The Past

This is a photograph of my Grandmother Mae Delle Goodwin ( my Mother's Mother) in the Blanket State Bank in Blanket, Texas. She went to work in that bank in 1937 and worked her way to the Vice President's position which she held until the bank closed in 1966. Here is an excerpt from one of her writings:

My Grandmother, Mae Delle Goodwin, went to work in the Blanket State Bank, Blanket, Texas, in 1937.
"In 1937 I was offered a position in the Blanket State Bank. We not only needed the money, but I dearly loved the bank work. Now twenty-five years later, 1962, I am still working there and enjoying every day of it. Of course I have to work hard and long hours, yet each morning I can hardly wait to get to my work. To me there is something fascinating about figures and I am my happiest while trying to figure out the solution of a problem which seems impossible to solve."


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