I Don't Know How To Shop

Well, Amber has been having hip pain lately and yesterday it got to the point she could barely walk. She mentioned she needed to buy groceries but didn't think she could do it. I told her I would go, I mean how hard could it be, just give me a list and I'll go in and buy everything on the list. Well, I screwed it up pretty bad. I bought Amber decaffeinated Diet Dr. Pepper ( it looks almost the same as regular Diet DP) , I bought garlic bread instead of French Bread, got the wrong kind of milk, forgot the wasp spray (And that was for me)  and bought the wrong kind of lettuce (Hey, it was green and looked like lettuce to me). Amber probably thinks I screwed up on purpose to get out of shopping for her in the future but the plain truth of the matter is I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SHOP!!!


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