A Day Off

Well, I took the day off today. You might ask what is taking a day off to someone who is retired. Good question, let me know if you figure out the answer! Amber and I decided to drive to Brownwood and take care of some business. While Amber took care of business, I stayed with my buddy Billy Bly at his liquor store. It's been a while since we visited so I was hoping to do some catching up, but no, he stayed busy as long as I was there. You know, there are a lot of folks in Brownwood and the surrounding area that purchase liquor on Wednesday. From there we drove to the Mullin Cemetery to do some work and visit with Mom, Pop and other family members. After performing some simple chores I told Mom And Pop I loved them and, even though I always talk to them for a while, I told them we needed to go because the heat was unbearable. I thought I could hear Pop mumbling about "98 degrees in September..." Then we circled by Lake Merritt to take another peek at paradise. Amber said if I cried, she was going to make me ride in the back seat all the way home.    


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