My Friend Fred

Last night we had our friend and neighbor Fred Afflerbach over for supper. Afterward Fred and I sat out on the pier under the lights and a beautiful crescent moon  catching a few Crappie, spitting out inhaled mosquitoes and gnats and having a nice visit. Fred is a published author and writes for several newspapers and magazines. You should read his book, Roll On.  I told him about my day, getting up about 9:30 AM, going to the gym, eating lunch and watering the yard. He told me about his day, getting up and riding his bike out in the country thirty miles before 10:00 AM, cutting firewood, mowing and trimming and then a bunch of other chores after lunch.

Now Fred is a cool guy and I am proud to have him as a friend, but I'm sure you will agree the man is in need of counseling. You see Fred just bought a brand new car, so, what normal person would ride a bicycle thirty miles on a Texas Summer morning when he could have waited until noon and sat back and enjoyed the trip in the cool comfort of his air-conditioned new car. Fred even asked me if I would consider taking that thirty mile trip out in the country and I told him I wasn't sure my old pickup would make it that far.

The cover of Fred Afflerbach's book, Roll On.


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