The Brownwood Store Now Has My Books

I am pleased to announce that Martha Faetch, The Brownwood Store Manager and Visitor Center Manager, just purchased a supple of my latest book, I've Been Thinkin', and now has them in stock at The Brownwood Store along with my first book, A Train Of Thought. The Brownwood Store is located in the old Santa Fe Harvey House next to the Santa Fe Depot, 600 E. Depot Street, Brownwood, Texas 76804. I am also working with Martha to set up a schedule for a book signing in the store at a time to be announced later. Meanwhile if you purchase one of my books and would like it signed, just let Martha know as I come into Brownwood at least weekly and would be honored  to sign a book for you.

Body By Design in Goldthwaite, Texas also still has a supply of my books and I am in there working out almost every day if you want a book signed. I will announce other locations selling my book at a later date. Meanwhile, you can still order both by books of my Blog, Thank you to all my family and friends for your wonderful support!


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